EST. 1998

the curious integration of

brand + design + marketing

EST. 1998

the curious integration of

brand + design + marketing

Viral Business: How to Get Social Growth for Your Business

We’ve heard the word “viral” a lot over the last few years. YouTube videos, Vines and iPhone photos are always touted as “going viral”. “Going viral” simply means that an internet born link of some sort has been, through indirect avenues and digital roads, shared numerously to the point that it has become news. So what does that mean for businesses? How can you grab this viral attention for yourself and your posts? It’s not easy. And in fact, most businesses may want to hold off on their desire for “going viral”; you want to stay professional and unbiased. Unfortunately, “viral” posts often utilize both of those components. However, you can use viral posts to boost your business. Here are four things to know when you want to go viral (or semi-viral).



  1. Know Your Goal

You don’t have to have a desire to be followed by over a million users, while garnering thousands of shares and likes a day. Depending on your location and your financial goals, you may best serve your business and your customers by maintaining your local and community outreach. The important thing is to define what it is and who it may be that you’re trying to reach.

  1. Connect

Viral posts go viral because they are shared to a large community of connected individuals. In order to be a part of the community, you have to connect. Make it easy for people to find and view your posts by connecting to other businesses and people through your social platforms.

  1. Interact

Don’t exist as an awkward, silent partner in the social world. Make sure you’re engaging with other posts so that your name and business gets on the radar of your community.

  1. Hashtag

Yep, it’s still a thing. The hashtag is the best way to grab hold of cultural connections and upgrade your posts to be more viewable and applicable to your customers’, and potential customers’, needs.


It’s easy to read these tips and say “Oh, great, I can do that!” However, it’s another thing to actually take the time from your business to apply these tips, everyday, to your social platforms. This is why businesses often turn to, and need, a branding agency to help them curate and cultivate an on-line, defined, social management plan. If your business is looking for a chance at that viral piece of the cake, contact us at Visual Caffeine. We love social media planning and execution—and we know a thing or two about going “viral”. We’d love to chat about how to boost your business.