
We know buyers have a multitude of needs that require satisfaction when looking to purchase a brand. Marketing 101 is about understanding what buyers want. This understanding will point you to the all-encompassing brand story you end up telling, which in turn develops the loyalty...

E-commerce relies on having potential customers find the website in the first instance. Increasing traffic is a reliable way to increase sales. Everyone in e-commerce knows that blogging is a strategic way to get more sales but, so few traders do it. That’s a shame...

The first step to online sales may be to have a high-quality product but if your ecommerce site is poor, you’re not going to get anywhere. Whether it’s for yourself or a joint venture, there are steps you can take to ensure your ecommerce site...

Running a small business usually means juggling plenty of responsibilities at once. There is only so much a person can do before the results of split focus start to impact effectiveness. When it comes to marketing, many small business owners underestimate the amount of time...

The internet is flooded with different marketing strategies to use. It can be overwhelming. Ultimately most marketing techniques boil down to two core ideas: push and pull marketing. Push marketing involves you pushing your brand out in front of an audience. Every advertisement you see...

Or to put it in Junior's words, "Food, not boobs." Remember those ads featuring barely dressed models and celebrities like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian feasting on a juicy burger? One year ago Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s ditched the frat boy mentality and decided to focus on being...

It’s fair to say that brands build and evolve over time. It’s important to maintain a thread of consistency throughout the changes as most purchasing decisions come to be made subconsciously. Don’t try to challenge a customer’s perception of your brand by making significant changes...