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Brand events can be powerful experiences that generate buzz, increase sales, and boost brand loyalty. They also offer valuable direct feedback and interaction with customers. Brands like Coca-Cola, Nike, and Apple use innovative brand events to build relationships with customers, journalists, and influencers. Smaller brands...

Video marketing isn't quick to make so it’s important to get the most out of your work.  One way to do that is to use the right video marketing channels at the right time. With more social channels now prioritizing video (think Facebook Live and Instagram...

Organic reach is the number of people who see your content in their Facebook feeds without any paid advertising. The current stats show that most Facebook posts will only be seen by around 5 percent of a page’s fans. This number used to be much higher...

Digital marketing is not easy. Even seasoned professional digital marketers have difficulty in getting a satisfactory ROI, identifying the correct target market to speak to, and are finding it a challenge to choose the most effective channel to reach your audience. What is Influencer Marketing? Basically, influencer...

Website trends are essential for marketing agencies, marketing managers and business owners to keep on top of - this will help to ensure that their websites are the best they can be to be attractive for prospective clients.   Below are the current website design and web...