Author: Team Rabbit

Some technology comes and goes without making much of an impression on the marketing landscape. It can be tempting to leap on board with every promising new development, but it pays to be cautious in your approach. You may consider exploring new technology if there is...

Or to put it in Junior's words, "Food, not boobs." Remember those ads featuring barely dressed models and celebrities like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian feasting on a juicy burger? One year ago Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s ditched the frat boy mentality and decided to focus on being...

It’s fair to say that brands build and evolve over time. It’s important to maintain a thread of consistency throughout the changes as most purchasing decisions come to be made subconsciously. Don’t try to challenge a customer’s perception of your brand by making significant changes...

Before you start thinking about how to create your brand, you need to understand what a brand is. In its simplest form, a brand is a way of consistently communicating your identity and message. Many people fall into the trap of thinking a brand is...

The world of marketing has changed dramatically. Door to door sales are almost non-existent and newspaper circulation rates are falling fast. Ask yourself, when was the last time you paid attention to a roadside billboard? As these methods of advertising fell away, companies like Google made...

Almost everything old can become new again. This includes your old blog content. If you have been producing content for a while, you are sure to have some information that is just as relevant today as the day you posted it. The trick is to...

Updating up the editorial calendar for your brand’s social media channels can feel like a never-ending task. It can be a challenge to provide up-to-date and relevant content for your followers. If your well is running dry, try these ideas. Of course, customize the content...

Don’t let your website catch a dose of the winter blues. There are plenty of simple things you can do to freshen up the way your website looks, feels and operates. Take a few moments to reconsider the purpose of your site, study your analytics...