
A/B Testing is vital if you want to optimize your business website. A/B testing provides the opportunity to test campaigns and marketing strategies and drive as much traffic per impression as possible.   Through understanding what attracts your audience towards your website, this enables you to better...

Defend your business and stay ahead of those who would take your market share with these 10 business and marketing ideas. Know Your Enemy Ok, not really your “enemy”, but know your competition, what they offer, their pricing, and the customers that choose them. Know Your Market Spend some...

Sometimes, it pays to be smaller. Your small business has some distinct advantages compared to the giant corporation. Take some time to appreciate that you can move quicker than the big guys to grab market advantages. You have great supplier relationships. You can directly impact...

The first step to online sales may be to have a high-quality product but if your ecommerce site is poor, you’re not going to get anywhere. Whether it’s for yourself or a joint venture, there are steps you can take to ensure your ecommerce site...

The internet is an image-rich environment. The rise of high-quality cameras in smart devices and readily accessible editing software means that good images are everywhere. What does this mean for your brand? It means that you’ll need to go the extra mile to ensure your...

The internet is flooded with different marketing strategies to use. It can be overwhelming. Ultimately most marketing techniques boil down to two core ideas: push and pull marketing. Push marketing involves you pushing your brand out in front of an audience. Every advertisement you see...

Social media is undoubtedly an influential platform. This ability to influence draws interest and voices from every quarter. The challenge for your business is to stand out amongst these voices and garner attention. If you’ve established why you want to go big on social, you can...