Sometimes, it pays to be smaller. Your small business has some distinct advantages compared to the giant corporation. Take some time to appreciate that you can move quicker than the big guys to grab market advantages. You have great supplier relationships. You can directly impact your staff. You have face-to-face contact with your customers so that you know exactly what they need and how you can serve them.
But you still have to look the part of a professional, reputable business. These 4 simple steps will ensure that you have the credentials of the big guys without the overhead or hassle.
Get a (Better) Website
There is no excuse for not having a web presence considering that there are so many websites that make it easy to create a stunning site (or upgrade your existing page). There’s also a few great creative agencies that can offer you a full web design and digital marketing package. Be warned that you have to use a service that converts your site to be viewable on mobile, because that’s how 86% of us browse these days. You can’t afford to miss out on that captive audience.
Add Marketing to Your Budget
You need advertising not just to get more customers, but also to keep your company’s name in the face of your market. Being recognizable and known takes work, but it doesn’t have to cost a lot.
How much should you allocate for marketing? The big businesses usually hover around 11%, but you should start out with 5-8% as grow from there.
Be on Social Media
Because there are so many options for digital awareness, use the simple tactic of being where your customers are. If they are on Facebook, get active on Facebook. If you have more professional clients, use LinkedIn. As long as you have connection and constant activity, your customers will find your business more approachable and trustworthy.
Invest In Yourself
You’ve heard it said that it takes money to make money. Very true. Don’t skimp out on yourself. Find ways to constantly improve your storefront, your online presence, and the systems you use. Use the principle of C.A.N.I. (Constant And Neverending Improvement) to invest money into yourself and your business.
These are simple steps, but you’d be surprised how often they get overlooked by small businesses. Do your business a favor and make it bigger using these tools today.