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Although the term "unified brand" may not be well known, the most successful companies have always managed to achieve it. Your brand is being seen by a wider audience than just consumers. Branded content helps others learn about you and what you stand for, including investors,...

There are a number of emerging trends set to dominate social media in 2022. The Covid-19 pandemic and growth in digital life has further accelerated the power of the consumer.  The underlying theme is that consumers want more personalized content, delivered faster than before, giving...

Social media influencers are in hot demand these days. Informal, genuine relationships have been built by people sharing their love of products in an authentic way. Brands are on the hunt for ways to express the value of their products and social endorsement has always...

E-commerce relies on having potential customers find the website in the first instance. Increasing traffic is a reliable way to increase sales. Everyone in e-commerce knows that blogging is a strategic way to get more sales but, so few traders do it. That’s a shame...

The first step to online sales may be to have a high-quality product but if your ecommerce site is poor, you’re not going to get anywhere. Whether it’s for yourself or a joint venture, there are steps you can take to ensure your ecommerce site...

While many large retail brands are closing brick and mortar shopfronts, there is a small but striking trend swinging in the opposite direction. Savvy startups are branching out from their digital-only environment and opening up lean shopfronts that bring the online experience to life. How are...