The new year is one of the best times to start re-thinking, re-packaging and re-organizing your brand elements. It’s a great feeling to do a TON of personal and business related discovery to begin catapulting your brand. However, what many businesses forget, is that branding is a continuous effort. You can’t rely on one launch to do all the catapulting for your business; you have to make a continual effort. And let’s talk about those efforts! You may be so enthusiastic about your new brand packaging that you forget that those efforts can be a little traumatic, and off-putting, for your audience. Here are four ways your brand is putting people off:
Your Brand is PushyYour business’ brand should be recognizable. But, it shouldn’t be everywhere. Brands that take every opportunity to weave themselves into every available cultural fabric end up looking cheap. Pick and choose the right moments and spots for your brand to engage with the community and culture.
Your Brand Efforts Always End Up with Sales Pitches
We’ve graduated from the early days of sales when everything was aimed at closing. Now, we want to have a conversation with each other. Purchasers want to hear what their brands have to say, and they want their brands to hear what they have to say! Don’t end all of your statements, posts or content pieces with a pitch. Focus on connecting, not closing. This will serve your business in the long-run!
Your Brand Offers Sub-Par Promotional Items
We all love a great tote bag or mug. However, we can get those anywhere. And since every business has them, we get a little desensitized to their value. Try a set of promotional items that are high-quality and represent your unique brand. This doesn’t mean that you can’t explore the basic needs that people have, but try connecting on a higher playing field of promo products.
Your Brand is Scattered
Did you do a bunch of work into figuring out who and what you’re all about, only to find that you’re all about everything and everybody? Maybe you thought you’d cornered your brand identity, but really you’re just the every-man of business. Don’t believe it! You have a unique identity, you may have just been so blinded by casting a wide net that you forgot to cast the right net. It happens to be the best of businesses. It doesn’t mean you can’t start over. Be selective with your brand’s target audience. Be synonymous with what your target audience values and other’s will want to be synonymous with the values of your target audience. Eventually, they’ll want to be synonymous with you!
At the end of the day, a brand is a feeling. And consumers want to feel that the brands they support have a unique identity that they can take part in. Find opportunities to give individuals that feeling. Focus on being confident in following your authenticity so that your target audience can feel confident in following you!