How To Write For Your Brand’s Audience & Optimize For SEO

Building your brand presence online is a constant effort. When it comes to being found, there is often tension between offering content that appeals to your readers and content that appeals to Google’s fickle SEO algorithms. There are ways you can do both at the same time. Here’s how:

Keep SEO keywords fresh and updated

Google is constantly scanning and indexing web pages, including yours. You will need to regularly research keywords that are related to your industry and product. When you’ve identified the keywords, build them into your written content. Using single keywords is good, but don’t neglect long tail keyword phrases, either. Both have a valuable role to play and can be included naturally in your copy.

Develop strong and shareable content

The main point here is to make sure your content is worth reading, to increase the chance that other websites and social media pages will link back to your information. Google will scan these backlinks and judge them based on the authority of the page that included them and the text they used to link your site. The combination of high-quality backlinks and your up-to-date keyword usage will help to drive your website higher in the Google search rankings.

Perfect your headline

Writing excellent article headlines may be one of the most underrated methods of drawing audiences to your website. In a world of bottomless social media feeds, writers have milliseconds to grab people’s attention. If a headline is weak, it will not draw audiences to your page regardless of the content quality. Use a number in the headline, include a call to action or address the reader directly to see an increase in traffic.

Customize your meta descriptions

A meta description is easily recognized as the short snippet of information that appears below the clickable link in a Google search listing. It often holds a brief description of the content on the page and should entice searchers to click through to your article. Writing your own meta descriptions helps your customers find you, but it also helps Google to understand what your content is about and will often play a significant role in search listing placement.

Outbound links are important

It’s not just inbound links that help your page to rise in Google rankings. When you write copy, include outbound links to authoritative webpages, detailed guides, and other useful content. Be sure to link them smoothly using natural anchor text. The content will help your readers to explore your topic and will show Google that you are willing to network and co-create online.

Overall, keywords and content matter a lot when it comes to driving search traffic to your brand. But it’s also the smaller, often overlooked details that move high-quality content from the bottom to the top. Don’t be afraid to make some changes today.

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